Hybrid is the term that is very common in this earth. In simple word, hybrid is meant MIX. 

Some examples of HYBRID in our NATURE:


 LIGER : MIX OF Male Lion & Female Tiger TIGON : MIX OF Male Tiger & Female Lion 

 ZONKEY : MIX OF Male Zebra & Female Donkey
PLUOT: MIX OF Plum & Apricot
DURIAN : Various type of HYBRID 

TANGELO : MIX OF Tangerine & Grapefruit(Pomelo) 




The explanation based on the,

ü  A theory state that when atom shares a pair of electrons to form bond, the overlapping of valence orbital occurs.

ü  Overlapping orbitals contain a pair of electrons with opposite spin. 

ü  Examples: H2 , F2

Watch the video to get better understanding of SIGMA BOND & PI BOND

Video 1: Formation of sigma bond between 2 of p - orbitals & between 2 of s - orbitals

        Video 2: Formation of pi bond between 2 of p - orbitals in different position

Identify number of sigma bonds & pi bonds in the following molecules:-
*Clue: if the bond is single bond, it contains of sigma bond only. If the bond is double bonds, it contains of 1 sigma bond & 1 pi bond. But if the bond is triple bonds, it contains of 1 sigma bond & 2 pi bonds

is mixing of two or more orbitals in an atom to generate a new set of hybrid orbitals

***the word GENERATE is very important in the definition of HYBRIDIZATION. The word GENERATE cannot be replaced with FORM or PRODUCE

To identify the type of hybrid, 
⇛Make sure to count the number of electron pairs around the central atom.
    (Must ensure the Lewis structure is drawn correctly before count the number of electron pairs)
How to identify the following type of hybrid:
1) sp hybrid 
    *if we want to identify the type of hybrid, refer to the number of electron pairs
    *Hybrid means mixing. Thus, if number of electron pairs is 2 meant, mixing of 2 orbitals.
    *Always remember s-orbital contains of 1 orbital, p-orbital contains of 3 orbitals & d-orbital        contains of 5 orbitals.
    💠if 2 electron pairs mixing of 1 s-orbital with 1 p-orbital to generate sp hybrid orbital

2) sp2 hybrid 
    *if we want to identify the type of hybrid, refer to the number of electron pairs
    *Hybrid means mixing. Thus, if number of electron pairs is 3 meant, mixing of 3 orbitals.
    *Always remember s-orbital contains of 1 orbitalp-orbital contains of 3 orbitals & d-orbital        contains of 5 orbitals.
    💠if 3 electron pairs mixing of 1 s-orbital with 2 p-orbital to generate sp2 hybrid orbital
3) sp3 hybrid
    *if we want to identify the type of hybrid, refer to the number of electron pairs
    *Hybrid means mixing. Thus, if number of electron pairs is 4 meant, mixing of 4 orbitals.
    *Always remember s-orbital contains of 1 orbitalp-orbital contains of 3 orbitals & d-orbital        contains of 5 orbitals.
    💠if 4 electron pairs mixing of 1 s-orbital with 3 p-orbital to generate sp3 hybrid orbital

4) sp3d hybrid
    *if we want to identify the type of hybrid, refer to the number of electron pairs
    *Hybrid means mixing. Thus, if number of electron pairs is 5 meant, mixing of 5 orbitals.
    *Always remember s-orbital contains of 1 orbitalp-orbital contains of 3 orbitals & d-orbital        contains of 5 orbitals.
    💠if 5 electron pairs mixing of 1 s-orbital with 3 p-orbital  & 1 d-orbital to generate 
         sp3d hybrid orbital

5) sp3d2 hybrid
    *if we want to identify the type of hybrid, refer to the number of electron pairs
    *Hybrid means mixing. Thus, if number of electron pairs is 6 meant, mixing of 6 orbitals.
    *Always remember s-orbital contains of 1 orbitalp-orbital contains of 3 orbitals & d-orbital        contains of 5 orbitals.
    💠if 6 electron pairs mixing of 1 s-orbital with 3 p-orbital  & 2 d-orbital to generate 
         sp3d2 hybrid orbital

*** Refer to the examples in the lecture note about type of hybrid (page 20)
*** Do the exercises on (page 21), will discuss in GOOGLE MEET 

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